Monday, December 14, 2009

The sky is falling!

Here is an e-mail Lee recently sent to my parents:

Hey folks,

before i begin, let me say that everyone is okay! no one is hurt, but yesterday two trees fell on our house. we had tons of rain early this week coupled with unusually strong winds. yesterday, after going to the grocery store with jack and norah, i returned to the house intending to change jack and put him down. i asked norah to go play in the play room and she said, "No Dad, i can't because i have to go poop." within a few minutes, an ancient and massive oak tree fell and crushed the play room while norah was safely in the bathroom. PTL!! Our Lord moves (bowels) in mysterious ways!

on it's way down, the oak brought down a cherry tree as well. they both landed on the house. thankfully, as the oak tree was landing, a huge branch caught in the ground and broke its fall as it hit the house. everyone says that if it were not for this branch, the house would have been smashed in two. again, PTL!

we didn't even lose power or phone service. the damage (with the exception of the play room and roof) is incredibly minimal for what actually happened. we are blessed. Not only that, but joe pendley (who now has a tree business that works with our insurance agent) came and got rid of the trees in 7.5 hours. all of the professionals said you would have to have a crane and it would still take five days, but joe did it with climbing ropes, a chainsaw and three friends in a matter of hours. again and again, PTL!!!

we stayed at my dad's house last night and will return home tonight. looks like we'll get a new roof out of this. when the construction begins, they will move us out to a furnished apartment or duplex. we don't know when that will be and we're hoping we get to be home for Christmas.

christy is at my dad's house without internet access, or she would be skyping and writing you right now.

we love y'all and are thankful we still have our Norah!! talk to you soon.
