Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our Calm before the storm

Thanks to some of our most wonderful friends we got to get away this past week for 2 days just to be together, our little fam. It was soooooo wonderful! Restful, fun and - just being together. We didn't know it was coming, but as soon as we got home we pretty much all got sick, me with strep throat, Norah and Jack had ear infections, and pink eye touched a few. Thankfully Lee is healthy, please pray he stays that way! But before all that hit and Lee had to leave for Colorado we had this little haven of fun together. It was beautiful, thanks friends!  Please pray for me too, when Lee is gone I feel so homesick for him...

A dragonfly that enjoyed our picnic

sweet Jack with daddy

Our two little swimmers- they loved it!

Look at that view... that's all there is to say!


Aunt Judie said...

So glad you had some time away together! I will be praying for you this week and also Lee. Let me know if I can do anything. Kisses, Aunt Judie

Molly and Brad said...

Jack is looking more and more like his daddy. :) Big boy!